EPA's Strategy and Achievements in Implementing Green Living
2023/08/21 14:30~15:10 (Taipei, Taiwan)
2023/08/21 15:20~16:00 (Taipei, Taiwan)
Green Living in Taipei Introduction
2023/08/21 16:10~16:30 (Taipei, Taiwan)
Environmental Education’s Role in Society’s Transition to Net Zero
2023/08/22 09:30~10:20 (Taipei, Taiwan)
Inspiring a Climate of Change: A Hope-based Approach in Advocating Net-Zero/Low-Carbon Green Living in the Philippines
2023/08/22 10:30~10:45 (Taipei, Taiwan)
Environmental Education and Communication in Viet Nam towards Net-Zero Living
2023/08/22 10:45~11:00 (Taipei, Taiwan)