- Introduction
Dr. Ju Chou is a professor in environmental education/education for sustainable development, and actively involve in the fields of environmental communication and environmental interpretation as well. He got his M.S. degree from State University of New York, College of Environmental Science and Forestry at 1986, and received his Ph.D. from The Ohio State University at 1991. He began to teach EE and environmental interpretation at the Graduate Institute of Environmental Education in NTNU since 1993, and promoted as professor of EE in August 2004. He provides long-time consultation and supporting on Environmental Education and Interpretation to both the natural resources management and environmental protection agencies of Taiwan.
Dr. Ju Chou’s professional involvements are mainly teaching, research and development in formal and non-formal EE and ESD. He has successfully helped the Taiwan Forestry Bureau to develop its Nature Center system across the country since 2007. He is also one of the key persons of EE legislation initiative and helped the National Environmental Education Law passed by the national parliament in 2010 in Taiwan. He had abundant research and development experiences and has conducted many EE related research projects for Taiwan Forestry Bureau, Ministry of Education and National Science Council and so forth. His research interest areas including:
o National and international policies and strategies in environmental education and education for sustainable development
o Nature Relatedness and psychological well-being
o Assessment and evaluation of formal and non-formal environmental education program
o Issues and trends in urban environmental education
He is also working as the advisory editor of major local and international academic journals of EE. He is a longtime member of North American Association of Environmental Education (NAAEE) and National Association for Interpretation (NAI). He has participated and delivered speeches on EE related conferences in U.S., Canada, Australia, China, Hong Kong, Macao, Japan, South Korea, Morocco, Finland, Denmark, and Sweden, etc.