Kayla Choi
Republic of Korea / Korean Youth Climate Change Network Bigwave
- Introduction
Kayla Choi is the co-representative of South Korea’s Youth Climate Change Network, Bigwave. Her past projects include spearheading fundraisers namely 'Run for Life', a 5-km mini-marathon to raise awareness for sustainable living and 'Plogging', a street clean-up challenge event. With specific focus on energy and climate, she co-organized a renewable energy tour in Seoul for both locals and foreigners sponsored by KEEC, planned a curriculum for educating elementary students on climate change in partnership with the Climate Scouts program, arranged environmental campaigns on her university campus, co-planned and spoke at 'Docking Talking', a youth networking event to discuss environmental issues and solutions, and worked in the planning committee for 'Energy Transition Frontier', a nation-wide program to address wind energy barriers.