【實習場域介紹】Boyne Island Environmental Education Centre in Australia
Internship Site
Boyne Island Environmental Education Centre (No. 61 Malpas Street, Boyne Island, Queensland 4680)
Website: https://boyneislandeec.eq.edu.au/ , Boyne Island Environmental Education Centre | Boyne Island QLD | Facebook
The Boyne Island Environmental Education Centre (BIEEC) is a residential and day visit education facility operated by The Department of Education, Queensland, Australia providing programs for students from Prep to Year 12.
The centre’s curriculum emphasizes environmental studies with a coastal/marine theme (including sand dunes, rocky foreshores, mangroves) as well as personal development/environmental leadership skills through outdoor adventure activities.
• BIEEC conducts stewardship programs e.g. clownfish breeding.
• BIEEC conducts Environmental monitoring programs include, mangrove health, air quality, micro-plastics, and litter.
• BIEEC links with the community through different citizen science programs.
• BIEEC offers diverse programs that are developed to meet the needs of individual school groups. (Therefore, the programs interns will experience will vary depending on dates selected)
BIEEC is staffed by qualified teachers who are specialists in the areas of the environmental and outdoor education.
Internship Period
(Note: Exact dates would be decided in consultation between the intern, their University and the Centre to ensure that centre programs match the desired outcomes for the students.)
Living facilities for interns at the Environmental Education Site
Accommodation: Accommodation is in a fully air-conditioned and equipped house. Interns will have individual bedrooms and share a common lounge, eating and kitchen areas. Interns will also share the bathroom and toilet.A laundry is in a separate building. BIEEC will supply bed sheets, pillows and towels. A charge of AUD30 for each night of the internship.
Meals: Interns will be responsible for self-catering all meals. BIEEC staff will assist interns when purchasing food.
Transportation: Shops are withing walking distance of the centre. The IPC will provide transport for social events such as sightseeing, country hikes or trip to the Great Barrier Reef (weather dependent)
Please see appendix for more detailed introduction.