Participatory Environmental Education in Okayama, Japan
co2sos: This is a non-profit organization that aims to realize a sustainable society where people around the world work together to solve the problem of global warming.
1) The NPO visualizes CO2 concentrations measured by its own CO2 measuring device and uses the data to hold environmental education events for elementary and junior high school students several times a year. At these events, students can learn about the relationship between their own lives and CO2 while seeing concrete numerical changes. The activities of co2sos are included in the RCE case study book published by UNU-IAS last year.
2)We also presented our efforts last year at the 2021 RCE Youth Webinar.
3)asueco: This is an environmental learning center operated by the Okayama Environmental Conservation Foundation, which focuses on environmental learning in Okayama Prefecture.
4)As Eco's environmental study delivery lectures are held at schools and community centers of various types, and I have personally conducted a lecture on the SDGs card game at elementary and junior high schools. The SDGs card game, THE SDGs Action Card Game X, was developed by Kanazawa Institute of Technology students and allows students to think about concrete actions to realize the SDGs goals by combining ordinary resources. It is a card game that allows students to think about concrete actions to realize the SDGs goals by combining ordinary resources. We conduct classes so that students can think about what they can do to achieve the SDGs while enjoying the card game, starting from what the SDGs are, usually in two hours' worth of learning time, according to the learning objectives of each school.
Okayama Association for the Future of Energy: This is a non-profit organization that aims to conserve the global environment, prevent global warming, and realize a sustainable society by promoting natural energy and energy conservation.
5)We promote the introduction of natural energy and raise awareness of its use. We also promote energy conservation and environmental education at local elementary, junior high, and senior high schools. I have participated in several of these environmental education programs at elementary schools as a helper. Some of the lectures at elementary schools were held during long vacations to encourage students to take up the challenge of eco-life, while others were for students to experience natural energy such as wind power, small-scale hydroelectric power, and solar power.
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