【Case Sharing 】Field Trip in Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) Course for Chulalongkorn University Undergraduate Students - shared by Fuangarun Preededilok
Arthor: Assistant Professor Fuangarun Preededilok, Ph.D.
Position: Head of Division of Development Education
Affiliation: Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
Education for Sustainable Development course
Education for Sustainable Development course or ESD course is one of general education courses for Chulalongkorn University undergraduate students. To response Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (DESD) (2005-2014), the Faculty of Education has operated ESD course since 2009 and assigned the Division of Development Education organizing this course until present.
The course description is about knowledge and understanding of Thai and global societies for seeing through for their changes with a global mindset in the line with the development paradigm; analysis and system thinking of emerging issues; being an entrepreneur with an awareness and understandings of sustainable development; abilities to propose development alternatives according to the sufficiency economy philosophy on the basis of local, regional, and global cooperation; strategies of the educational provision for active citizens processing democratic values and traits for the transformation and development of sustainable societies. (Chulalongkorn University, n.d.)
According to the course description, the learning processes of ESD course were designed to nurture students by arranging activities inside and outside classroom. One of the outside classroom activities was field trip to the Golden Jubilee Museum of Agriculture as experiential learning. The students were able to see, listen and practice enjoyably and link to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Sufficiency Economy Philosophy (SEP)*.
*Sufficiency Economy Philosophy (SEP) is Sufficiency Economy is a philosophy conceived and developed by His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand over 60 years. This philosophy based on the fundamental principle of Thai culture. It is a method of development based on moderation, prudence, and social immunity, one that uses knowledge and virtue as guidelines in living. Significantly, there must be intelligence and perseverance which will lead to real happiness in leading one’s life. (https://www.chaipat.or.th/eng/concepts-theories/sufficiency-economy-new-theory.html)
The Golden Jubilee Museum of Agriculture
The Golden Jubilee Museum of Agriculture is an agricultural museum in Pathum Thani Province, Thailand. The Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives established the Golden Jubilee Museum of Agriculture on the occasion of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej's 50-year to the throne in 1996. On the area of 800,000 square meters, it displays the story on agriculture through modern technology and models, covering every aspect of the agricultural process such as land development, forestry, fishery, animal husbandry, and ecological system. Outside are greenhouses, plots of rice demonstration fields. (Ministry of Tourism and Sports, 2021; Tourism Authority of Thailand, n.d.)
The museum is unique in Thai-modern style and the four-region Thai house. The indoor museum provides King of Agriculture Museum, Ways of Water Museum, Amazing Genetics Museum, Forest Museum, Soils Museum and Royal Ploughing Ceremony. In addition, open Air Museum has the Sufficiency Economy Agriculture Museum. (The Gloden Jubilee of Agriculture Office (Public Organization, n.d.). The pictures of activities at the museum are as follow.

Reflection ‘SDGs & SEP Mapping’
After Field Trip at the Golden Jubilee Museum of Agriculture, the following week students worked in group (each group had 5-6 students), and mapped what they saw, listened, and practiced to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Sufficiency Economy Philosophy (SEP). The next step is that, the representatives from each group shared idea and then students in the class distributed their idea together.

Chulalongkorn University. (n.d.). Course number 2746292.
Ministry of Tourism and Sports. (2021). The Golden jubilee museum of agriculture (private
organization). https://thailandtourismdirectory.go.th/en/attraction/3509
The Gloden Jubilee of Agriculture Office (Public Organization). (n.d.). Home.
Tourism Authority of Thailand. (n.d.). The golden jubilee museum of agriculture.
-- about Advisory Committee Meeting
-- Case sharing from other countries
Position: Head of Division of Development Education
Affiliation: Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
Education for Sustainable Development course
Education for Sustainable Development course or ESD course is one of general education courses for Chulalongkorn University undergraduate students. To response Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (DESD) (2005-2014), the Faculty of Education has operated ESD course since 2009 and assigned the Division of Development Education organizing this course until present.
The course description is about knowledge and understanding of Thai and global societies for seeing through for their changes with a global mindset in the line with the development paradigm; analysis and system thinking of emerging issues; being an entrepreneur with an awareness and understandings of sustainable development; abilities to propose development alternatives according to the sufficiency economy philosophy on the basis of local, regional, and global cooperation; strategies of the educational provision for active citizens processing democratic values and traits for the transformation and development of sustainable societies. (Chulalongkorn University, n.d.)
According to the course description, the learning processes of ESD course were designed to nurture students by arranging activities inside and outside classroom. One of the outside classroom activities was field trip to the Golden Jubilee Museum of Agriculture as experiential learning. The students were able to see, listen and practice enjoyably and link to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Sufficiency Economy Philosophy (SEP)*.
*Sufficiency Economy Philosophy (SEP) is Sufficiency Economy is a philosophy conceived and developed by His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand over 60 years. This philosophy based on the fundamental principle of Thai culture. It is a method of development based on moderation, prudence, and social immunity, one that uses knowledge and virtue as guidelines in living. Significantly, there must be intelligence and perseverance which will lead to real happiness in leading one’s life. (https://www.chaipat.or.th/eng/concepts-theories/sufficiency-economy-new-theory.html)
The Golden Jubilee Museum of Agriculture
The Golden Jubilee Museum of Agriculture is an agricultural museum in Pathum Thani Province, Thailand. The Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives established the Golden Jubilee Museum of Agriculture on the occasion of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej's 50-year to the throne in 1996. On the area of 800,000 square meters, it displays the story on agriculture through modern technology and models, covering every aspect of the agricultural process such as land development, forestry, fishery, animal husbandry, and ecological system. Outside are greenhouses, plots of rice demonstration fields. (Ministry of Tourism and Sports, 2021; Tourism Authority of Thailand, n.d.)
The museum is unique in Thai-modern style and the four-region Thai house. The indoor museum provides King of Agriculture Museum, Ways of Water Museum, Amazing Genetics Museum, Forest Museum, Soils Museum and Royal Ploughing Ceremony. In addition, open Air Museum has the Sufficiency Economy Agriculture Museum. (The Gloden Jubilee of Agriculture Office (Public Organization, n.d.). The pictures of activities at the museum are as follow.

Reflection ‘SDGs & SEP Mapping’
After Field Trip at the Golden Jubilee Museum of Agriculture, the following week students worked in group (each group had 5-6 students), and mapped what they saw, listened, and practiced to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Sufficiency Economy Philosophy (SEP). The next step is that, the representatives from each group shared idea and then students in the class distributed their idea together.

Chulalongkorn University. (n.d.). Course number 2746292.
Ministry of Tourism and Sports. (2021). The Golden jubilee museum of agriculture (private
organization). https://thailandtourismdirectory.go.th/en/attraction/3509
The Gloden Jubilee of Agriculture Office (Public Organization). (n.d.). Home.
Tourism Authority of Thailand. (n.d.). The golden jubilee museum of agriculture.
-- about Advisory Committee Meeting
-- Case sharing from other countries