【Special Topic】Green Anniversary - Buy Nothing Day
The last Friday of November each year is International Buy Nothing Day, which advocates not to buy any products on this day, in the hope of raising public awareness of over-consumption and reminding the public of the impact of resource waste on the environment.
Buy Nothing Day was invented in September 1992 by a Canadian artist, Ted Dave, and promoted by Adbusters in Canada. 1997, Buy Nothing Day was moved to Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving, which is one of the most busiest shopping days in North America, and can be seen as the beginning of the year-end shopping season. The purpose of designating the No Spending Day on the same day is to protest against Black Friday, and to reflect on this crazy shopping behavior in a practical way.
In Taiwan, there are a series of shopping festivals starting from October, and the favorable price attracts people's attention, but people should give themselves some time to seriously examine these trophies and shopping actions, are they really in line with the needs? Or is it just an impulse? On Buy Nothing Day, in addition to not shopping all day, it is also an opportunity to declutter, or go for a walk with family and friends to enjoy nature, and even donate and exchange goods and conduct charity activities on this day. Of course, it is more important to remind ourselves in daily life to cherish things, choose products that are more durable and take better care of the environment and workers, or choose locally-produced goods, so as to cultivate sustainable consumption habits. Over time it may become possible to realize that without buying these things, satisfaction can be achieved!
Note: Photo courtesy of iStock.com