Taiwan’s Pathway to Net-Zero Emissions in 2050
Scientists have confirmed that the impact of climate change requires urgent attention, and the issue is the focus of attention worldwide. Countries around the world have successively put forward “2050 Net-Zero Emissions” declarations and actions. In response to the global net-zero trend, President Tsai declared on Earth Day on April 22, 2021 that the “2050 Net-Zero Transition” is Taiwan’s goal as well as a global consensus.
In March 2022, Taiwan officially published “Taiwan’s Pathway to Net-Zero Emissions in 2050”, which provides the action pathway to achieve “2050 Net-Zero Emissions”. This blueprint aims to promote technology R&D and innovation in key areas, guide the green transition of industry, and drive a new wave of economic growth. At the same time, we look forward to promoting green financing and increasing investment at various key milestones, and to ensuring a reasonable transition period.
Taiwan’s 2050 net-zero emissions pathway is based on the 4 major transition strategies of “Energy Transition”, “Industrial Transition”, “Lifestyle Transition”, and “Social Transition”, as well as the 2 governance foundations of “Technology R&D” and “Climate Legislation”, and is supplemented by "12 Key Strategies". It aims to develop action plans for key areas of expected growth with regard to energy, industrial, and life transition to implement net zero transition goals.
By creating competitive, sustainable, resilient, and secure transition strategies and governance foundations to promote economic growth, drive private investment, generate green employment, achieve energy autonomy and enhance social well-being, "2050 Net-Zero Transition" is about environmental sustainability, not only about competitiveness. Only by laying a foundation for long-term growth and stability can we leave behind a better place for future generations.
More information at National Development Council